please read carefully:
We are open go suggestions and are always looking to improve our procedures. If you have any thoughts or ideas, please do not hesitate to email us:
What we will do:
Disinfect after each class, rotation and day
Include extra time between classes and staff extra people to help with speedy cleaning
Class capacity reduced to 10 students/per room or class
Employee symptom checks
Check temperature of every student prior to class/camp
Sanitize student hands prior to class/camp and after
Classes/camps will be structured to maximize social distancing practices
What you will do:
Do NOT arrive earlier than 5 minutes prior to class/camp
Do NOT attend if you have any symptoms of COVID or other illnesses.
Bring a labeled water bottle (water fountains will be closed, and AC will be working at a minimum)
Parents will walk children into class, and walk them out, but not stay in the lobby area during class.
Do NOT arrive earlier than 5 minutes prior to class/camp (it’s that important)
Student masks, required or allowed?
Allowed, not required
Masks for adults, required or allowed?
Can I watch my child practice?
Not at this time. We are trying to limit the number people within the building.